With daylight savings and warmer weather on the way, why not plan a road trip this month to regional SA?
Words Lawrence Rignon
Cover Image Sven Kovac

Arty Party
This October long weekend, the Limestone Coast is buzzing with Art in Sticks – REGENERATION returning to Cluain, a grazing property south of Lucindale. Now in it’s, ninth year, the exhibition offers an eclectic collection of artists and workshops for the whole family.
REGENERATION showcases the creations of illustrators, sculptors, painters, jewellers with displays of mosaics, textiles, furniture, and more from artists local and abroad.
Saturday features workshops, music showcases by local artists, food, wine, cider, and beer (no BYO sorry), galleries, artists walks and talks, and poetry readings. Sunday boasts the added attaction of the signature Farmers Fare Lunch with Billy Dohnt (bookings essential).
11 am – 6 pm, Saturday, 5, and Sunday, 6 October 2019
Cluain, 903 Callendale Road, Coles (approx. one hour from Robe/Mt Gambier; 30 minutes from Beachport/Penola)
How much
Adults $10 entry; kids free (cash only). Farmer’s Fare Lunch $88 (bookings essential)

Make time to visit the river
The annual Riverland Wine & Food Festival offers a unique opportunity to experience and celebrate the best the region has to offer. Set on the bank of the Murray River at Berri where you are shaded by grand riverside trees, you can enjoy the local produce, wine, and live entertainment in a vibrant atmosphere.
Featuring premium product from local producers such as Salena Estate, Riverland Wine & Food Festival is the perfect spring gathering with friends and family.
12 – 6 pm; 12 October 2019
Riverview Drive, Berri
How much
Pre-purchase tickets online $32.49 per person; tickets at the gate $40 per person (subject to availability)

Have a beer with mates
Robe Home Brew & Craft Beer Festival, held annually at the Robe Town Brewery, hosts a number of local (and Victorian) independent craft beer stalls, in addition to local wines, food, and live music. Visitors can attend talks and demonstrations on home brewing and beer itself. Non-alcoholic beverages are available too, of course.
In the festival’s sixth year, the town of Robe celebrates beer throughout the weekend with masterclasses on offer at local breweries with beer-themed catering.
Those with the skills can enter the Homebrew Comp to go in the running for cash prizes, in addition to the opportunity brew your own beer at a local brewery. Winners will be announced and awarded on the day.
10 am – 5 pm; Saturday, 26 October, 2019
Robe Town Brewery, 97 Millicent Road, Robe
How much
Gold coin donation entry

Feeling crabby?
If you’re around Yorke Peninsula later in October, the inaugural Wallaroo Blue Crab Festival is a food and beverage event in celebration of local Spencer Gulf blue swimmer crabs.
Enjoy Clare Valley wines and Kangaroo Island spirits along with local blue swimmer crabs – delivered fresh from the fishermen – at a picturesque beachfront location. Relax in the atmosphere of acoustic music, DJs, and even entertainment for the kids.
11 am – 4 pm; Saturday, 26, and Sunday, 27 October
Wallaroo Beachfront
How much
$48 – $58 pre-purchase tickets online), Family Day Sunday: one free child entry per adult ticket
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